Colleague Workshops

CRSE and PROG Mnemonic Training (Credit)

This hands-on workshop provides an overview of the CRSE and PROG mnemonics used in Colleague. Participants will learn how to: track course use by program, access historical program coding, review detailed course information (description, requisites, registration restrictions, fees, etc.), and more. Program directors/department chairs and deans are strongly encouraged to attend. The presentation is also appropriate for anyone with read access for these mnemonics. 

Researching & Understanding Your Data

If you have ever thought, “There has to be a better way to know where my data lives in Colleague,” well there is! And this course is here to help you learn how to research and understand your data better, so that finding a field name or the file it lives in is a little easier. We will cover metadata, field and file types, mnemonics in Colleague that are meant to help with researching, and tie this all back to Informer.

Registration required

Pre-reqs: Intro to Colleague, Intro to Informer, Communications Management

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