Punch Alert

One in 5 school police officers say that schools are not prepare to handle an active shooter and most likely any other major emergency outside of a fire. Evacuating a building due to a fire is practice readily through out the years of a person’s life. Other situations are seldom practiced, if at all.  The college and the police department decided to re-examine the plans that are in place for such emergencies. During the process the college decided to look for a way to communicate not only with students and employees, but strategically within the grounds of the campus. The search ended with the application call PunchAlert.

PunchAlert is now our new emergency contact software. This class is for all Durham Tech employees. First, we will make sure that participants have the application correctly installed on their phone. This will follow with how the application will be used on our campus. Then we will watch the three PunchAlert instructional videos while simultaneously participating in a live test on our mobile phones.  When the instruction and live test is over, we will open the room up for a question and answer session.
