Student Services

Self-Service Attendance Tracking Work Sessions

This overview of Self-Service Attendance Tracking is a work session.  Participants must have access to the Faculty link in Self-Service to fully participate.  Topics covered will include the following: the Faculty link, attendance tracking types and statuses, attendance entry workflow for membership and contact hour sections, attendance rules for online classes, and steps to certify census and attendance.

In addition to access to the Faculty link in Self-Service, participants should be familiar with the following training material:

Web Attendance Roundtable

Do you have questions about Self-Service Web Attendance?  Are you still unsure of what to do? 

Let’s get together and discuss your questions. If you don’t have questions but want to join in, please do!  The purpose of the discussion is to help you better understand tracking attendance on a web roster. This will be a roundtable discussion for everyone to ask questions and provide feedback on your experience with Self-Service web attendance.   

Self-Service Web Attendance

This training is a work session that will provide instructions for managing attendance in Self-Service. Participant must have access to the Faculty link in Self-Service prior to attending. Topics covered will include the following: accessing the web attendance roster, attendance statuses, attendance entry workflow for membership and contact hour sections, attendance rules for online classes, steps for certifying attendance.

Non-Credit Attendance Tracking Roundtable

Do you still have questions about Web Attendance Tracking?  Are you still unsure of what to do? 

Let’s get together and discuss your questions. If you don’t have questions but want to join in, please do!  The purpose of the discussion is to help you better understand tracking attendance on a web roster. This will be a roundtable discussion for everyone to ask questions and make suggestions on what we could do better to assist you with submitting timely and accurate web attendance rosters.

RISE Advising Workshop

Durham Tech has been using the Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence (RISE) model for college placement and developmental education since Spring 2019. In this interactive workshop, Gabby will remind participants of the RISE placement measures and developmental education pre-requisite and co-requisite courses. Then we will work through a variety of advising scenarios, including how to advise for courses other than college English and Math and how to find students’ high school GPA, test scores, and other placement measures in Colleague and Self-Service.

Advising Updates for Academic Advisors

All academic advisors should attend this presentation to learn how the following new policies and procedures impact academic advising: multiple measures of placement, financial aid program evaluation rules, PERC note standard, QEP and more! This workshop will provide advising updates on these and other new college-wide procedures. Staff from Financial Aid and will present updates from their office that impact academic advising.

Advising 101

This interactive session will cover the basics: the mission and philosophy of advising at Durham Tech; confidentiality, ethics and FERPA; enrollment and registration processes; student placement; programs and plans of study; evaluating student progress toward completion; advising restrictions; and considerations for special populations.


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